The Tarapur Atomic Power Station (TAPS) is located near Boiser in the Thane District of Maharashtra. Begun as India's first atomic power project, the Indian Government decided to utilize boiling water reactors (BWRs) for the plant. The plant was constructed by the US, the contract for which was signed between the two governments on May 8 1964. Over 120 Americans were involved in the project and the BWRs were supplied by the US company General Electric. Construction began in October 1964, and both the Unit-1 and Unit-2 BWRs commenced commercial operations on October 28, 1969. Although the United States agreed to supply enriched uranium to TAPS for 30 years, this supply was cut off after the peaceful nuclear explosion at Pokhran in 1974. Since then France, China, and Russia have all supplied uranium fuel to TAPS. Imported fuel bound for this facility is currently under IAEA safeguards.