The Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) is located near Surat in the state of Gujarat. KAPS currently operates two PHWRs, the first of which (Unit-1) began commercial operations on May 6 , 1993. Unit-2 followed two years later in September, 1995. The facilities fall under the direction of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Limited (NPCIL). In January 2003, it was declared the best performing PHWR of its class in the world by the CANDU Owners Group (COG). While the average gross capacity factor (GCF) for PHWRs worldwide was 83.3 percent from September 2001 to September 2002, KAPS' Unit-1 PHWR was rated as having a GCF of 98.4 percent during this time period. Unit-2 has also performed well and registered an annual capacity factor of 97.8 percent during 2001. A major earthquake in 2001 near Bhuj did not interrupt activities at KARP and both PHWRs continued to operate normally. As of February 28, 2003, KARP's cumulative energy generation since its commercial start date was 24,892 million units (MUs). This included 12,926 MUs for the Unit-1 PHWR and 11,966 MUs for Unit-2.