RAPS is based on natural-fuelled Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRS) which can be fuelled from indigenous sources and its major components can be manufactured within the country. Furthermore, the heavy water reactors also have the advantages of utilizing the fissile material efficiently. The first two Indian PHWRs- RAPS-I and RAPS-2 were taken up for construction as a joint venture with Canada. They are situated in Rawatbhata, a remote village in Chittorgarh district of Rajasthan and about 64 kilometres from the industrial town of Kota. The land selected is in between the Rana Pratap Sagar Dam and Gandhi Sagar Dam at the right bank of the Chambal river. The water from the reservoir meets the requirement of nuclear power stations. The site is ideally located and also well connected by the Railways. Commercial operation of RAPS-I began in December 1973. However, during the construction of RAPS-2 the Canadian support was abruptly withdrawn after the peaceful nuclear experiment conducted by India in 1974 at Pokharan. But, indigenous know-how and capability largely helped in its advancement. RAPS-2 started commercial operation in 1981. Overcoming the initial teething problems both the plants are now working at optimum capacity levels.