Youth is not a time of life; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions.08/12/2017
Plutonium is the correct answer for #Tangle contest. Best wishes to the winners.08/11/2017
#DoYouKnow: The human body organs effected by cancer are detected as well as treated with the help of Nuclear Energy through Radiotherapy.08/10/2017
With the help of Food Irradiation Technology we can preserve fruits and vegetables for a longer time with enhanced quality. Hence with increased shelf life, it can boost the earnings of farmers also by proper storage and maximum export.08/08/2017
Thanks for impressive responses... we will back with the results soon08/05/2017
Decode the Nuclear #Tangle and win interesting prizes.08/02/2017
Monday Motivation07/31/2017
#DoYouKnow: Gamma emissions can be used for the sterilization of medical supplies like cotton, bandages, gloves used for surgery, syringes, burn dressings, etc.07/31/2017
In India, of total power generation, 80 percent is contributed by thermal, 10.5 by hydro, 3% by Nuclear and rest 6.5 by other sources, including biomass, wind and solar.07/29/2017
World Nature Conservation Day07/28/2017