• #DoYouKnow that single tiny pellet of uranium fuel can illuminate hundreds of homes with clean and green electricity
  • #WorldHypertensionDay 4 ways to maintain a healthy heart.
  • A very small quantity of fuel is required to create large amount of electricity. So, lots of fuel can be stored for longer period of time unlike coal.
  • #OnThisDay Today we celebrate the birthday of Pierre Curie, a Nobel Laureate known for his work on radioactivity.
  • क्या आप जानते हैं आज के इस बदलते परिवेश में हमारी पृथ्‍वी को स्‍वच्‍छ ऊर्जा की नितांत आवश्‍यकता है। न्‍यूक्लियर विद्युत हमें इस आवश्यकता को पूरी करने में बहुत हद तक एक कारगर विकल्प साबित हो सकता है
  • Happy Tamil New Year & Happy Vishu.
  • Wheat crop is ready for harvest, time to rejoice and feel nice. Fruits to reap of blood and sweat, and get joyous and celebrate life. Happy Vaisakhi
  • Life should be great rather than long. Happy Ambedkar Jayanti
  • #NuclearPact contest has come to end. Thank you so much for the great replies. We will back with the result soon.
  • On This Day
