More than an educational trip, it was a vigilance trip for me. As I do not trust things unless I see it with my own eyes. Nuclear Power Station, Narora Uttar Pradesh welcomes you with two gigantic concrete architecture that increased my curiosity. They were the cooling towers for the plant, we learnt later.
As we moved forward towards the nuclear station campus, it reminded me of Indian naval campus in Mumbai. As it was that green plus birds and animals of such species I spotted. We were told that this place is highly secure and truly the traces of it could be felt as the whole area was under high security check posts, after certain distances by CISF. Discipline followed by the employees inside the control room from wearing shoe cover to not leaving there desks for a second even is another relief. What really impressed me is the idea of creating supplementary control room that shows there are no loose ends to the safety planning.
The visit inside the Turbine Building made me feel proud to see such huge and sophisticated machines being operated by our people. “In the midst of machine I spotted a pigeon inside the same compound, which showed a sign of tolerable heat and chemicals too as per my understanding.”
Security, Safety and alertness was well promoted among employees as there were posters of such messages everywhere your eyes goes. STAR method as a part of such idea which says S: STOP, T: THINK, A: ACT, R: REVIEW.
The not so technical person like me or any other citizen of India would never understand what ill effects do these nuclear station create or they do not. The good news is there were people who not only understand it but put them in statistical values, they are the independent Environmental Survey Laboratories that are set up inside this station working under the Government of India.