The MoU calls for cooperation between the DAE's Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) and the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VinAtom). The GCNEP is a nuclear research and training centre under construction near New Delhi. The Indian government approved the establishment of the GCNEP in 2010, and construction began on the facility in January 2014. The centre is to house five schools to conduct research into advanced nuclear energy systems, nuclear security, radiological safety, nuclear material characterisation and applications for radioisotopes and radiation technologies. Training facilities are to include virtual reality laboratories and a radiation monitoring, calibration and accreditation laboratory. VinAtom is a research and development institution under the Ministry of Science and Technology. Formed in 1976, its functions are to conduct fundamental and applied research on nuclear science and engineering, nuclear reactor technology, nuclear fuel and material, radiation protection and nuclear safety, and radioactive waste management technology. During his visit, Quang also thanked India for extending support to Vietnam in building a research reactor for the peaceful uses of atomic energy.

With an aim to increase the cooperation in the field of nuclear enery for peaceful purposs, India and Vietnam have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen their nuclear ties in the presence of the heads of state of the two nations in New Delhi on March 3.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Tue, 03/06/2018 - 14:56
Nuclear in power
Nuclear in power