Can accidents be ever predicted? Certainly not. Road accident, air crash or for that matter the natural disasters can never be foretold. Whenever such incidents occur, they result in large-scale destruction and loss of life despite all the safety and security measures in place. Similarly, exceptional paranoia should not be attached to nuclear mishaps which is also beyond predictability. Nuclear should not be subjected to discrimination.

On analysing the history of nuclear disasters globally, the conspicuous conclusion popping out is that barring a few countable exceptions, like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl or the latest Fukushima meltdown, nuclear arena has been more or less peaceful and free from disasters and casualties. Fortunately, India’s over four-and-a-half-decade long history has been completely free from mishaps.
But the obsession of anti-nuke lobbies with instilling unseen, unidentified, unfound, imaginary fears of nuclear disaster is far from the common understanding of the issue. In the first place, the nuclear accidents are quite rare as compared to other calamities which keep inflicting the populations every now and then. However, nuke mishaps, whatsoever, have not be as deadly in terms of casualties.
While going by megawatt-by megawatt analysis, nuclear takes fewer lives than other sources of electricity, especially, when it is compared to the cataclysmic air pollution from the excessive combustion of fossil fuel.
In fact, over 14,000 American lose their lives every year owing to the air pollution caused by the burning of coal which contributes major chunk to the total electricity generation in US. At the same time, nuke unlike other sources, does not add to the catastrophic climate changes.

Monday, July 24, 2017


nuclear powet